in Canada, USA, UK, Ireland, Australia, Caribbean

​​So you have decided you want to pursue a career as medical doctor? This is one of the most competitive admission process in North America and worldwide. An excellent GPA, a very high MCAT score, a great application, outstanding personal statements and essays, glowing letters of reference, and stellar interview and CASPer performances are the key ingredients of admission to medical school.

It is never too early to start your successful medical school application! ​Medical schools ask you to list activities going back to age 16 or grade 11 in your application.

Peter-Tufts MD with scholarship 

Rachel - Tulane medical schools 

Jason -Wayne medical school

Alexis -Central Michigan University

Nava-dental NYU, Case Western, Minnesota, Detroit Mercy 

David Rutgers dental school 

Michael-medical school Illinois

Sya-Nova, Kansas, USA DO 

Anmol Michigan DO 



Through the years we saw that those students who start preparing for med school from the last years of high school are consistently more successful. They maximize their chance of success, have more scholarships higher impact extracurricular activities, they chose the right courses and university programs, and have better academic success.

We will start by assessing your credentials and work with you to create a personalized strategic plan for admission. All along this journey you will receive personal coaching on all aspects of application process, detailed feedback and suggestions to improve, and unparalleled resources.

We are the only advising company in North America that not only advises and edits your application, but actually BUILDS it! See CV editing and activities subpage

We will guide you all the way from helping you build a solid resume for medical school through over 40 biomedical research and health promotion, publication, posters to crafting your personal statement, from mastering the secondary essays to MCAT referral, from interview practice to advising on best reference letters. 

With our comprehensive strategy we take pride in being the academic consulting company with most successful first time applicants. Let us help you craft the best application and guide you to success!

Video Tips for application to Canadian medical & dental schools

Video How to get into med and dental school with low GPA

Video How  to get into medical and dental schools in USA

We offer comprehensive application advising for Canadian, US, and International medical schools:
- Evaluate your credentials and academic and nonacademic record and create personalized strategies to become competitive for medical school
- Advise on programs and course selection to maximize your GPA, fulfill prerequisite and graduation requirements
- ​Identify the right MD or MD/PhD programs for you (admission criteria, prerequisite requirements, MCAT score, culture, match rates, rotations and internships, hospital rankings, curriculum, faculty and research, grading policy, class profile and size, campus setting, location, tuition cost living expenses, teaching environment, etc.)
- Comprehensive analysis and editing of application to showcase your unique qualities and achievements and tailor it for your chosen schools
- Complete application preparation, review and editing
- Advising for American Schools, secondary applications and offer customized interview prep and mock for medical schools and for admission to top Ivy league schools for undergraduate studies in USA
- QuARMS application advising Irish, UK, EU, Australian schools application advising
- Resume review and enhancement (see resume page)
- Personal statements, ABS, essays review and customized editing 
- Recommendation of referees and evaluation and editing of reference letters
- Mock medical interview and coaching (Panel, MPI and MMI see interview page)
- CASPer preparation and mock run

- Enhance your applicant profile through 40 projects
- Guidance in applying for research programs, scholarships, and extra-curricular activities that will enhance your profile
- MCAT prep course timing, referral and preferred rate discount for our clients
- High school to med school coaching
- We successfully advise students for Conditional Admission to Pharmacy (CAP) - University of Waterloo.
- Medical school summer camp filled with useful information, great resume building activities, and fun

100$ course  and 1 hour of advising ​(usually it takes 1-2 h)

Last year of high school
- Enroll in our mini med school summer camp
- Familiarize yourself with medical school application services such as Ontario Universities' Application Centre (OMSAS) and American Medical College Application Service (AMCAS) and the requirements for application
- Research pre-medical programs and meet with us to create a personalized undergraduate program list and courses
- Prepare your resume since age 16 and have it edited by us
-Participate in our free activities to become competitive

First year undergraduate
- Consult us to explore courses, and faculty you need to cultivate relationships with for reference letters, identify tutoring, extracurricular and leadership activities, research and community service opportunities, etc.
- Meet with us to recommend meaningful clinical experiences, shadowing, research opportunities and scholarship applications
- Meet with us to create an application plan and a wish list of schools you want to apply, decide on the timing of your application, and make sure you have all requirements covered
- Study hard to get the best GPA

Second year undergraduate
- Consult with us to analyze your first year progress, transcripts, review your extracurricular activities and make suggestions of improvement
- Strategize about your application timeline, MCAT
- Get advice from us on remaining premedical coursework and other school-specific degree requirements
- Continue (or start) to engage in meaningful activities with those who will write your reference letters
- Continue your clinical, research, leadership, extracurricular activities and have increased roles
- Study hard to get the best GPA

Third year undergraduate
- Complete third year premedical coursework and other school specific degree requirements
- Meet with us to identify the best time for you to take the MCAT exam and what prep company to use
- Continue your clinical, research, leadership, extracurricular activities and have increased roles
- Full consultation on your resume, GPA, MCAT scores to review your performance to date and determine the schools where to apply
- Register for and take the MCAT exam in the summer
- Prepare with us for your CASPer test
- Meet us to review your medical school application for Canadian schools that do not require an undergraduate degree​

Fourth year undergraduate
- Complete fourth year premedical coursework and other school specific degree requirements
- Register for and (re)take the MCAT exam in the summer
- Continue your clinical, research, leadership, extracurricular activities and have increased roles
- Meet with us to editing of your resume, application, references, statements, ABs
- Apply to US schools in the summer and to Canadian schools in the fall
- Complete supplementary application and have it edited by us - Prepare for your interviews and campus visits at medical schools using our proven success methods

You received hopefully one or more letter of acceptance! Congratulations!

We offer a detailed and inclusive analysis of what went wrong and plan for future steps to increase chances of success next time around.
It is time to take action including:
* detailed personalized reapplication plan rewriting of your personal statement and essays
*postbaccalaureate and grad school advising
* gap year planning (paid or volunteer medically related experience)
* extracurricular activities, research, tutoring, study exchange, or a global medical trip that will show your commitment to the medical field and make your application stronger when you reapply)
* assessment of ways to improve your MCAT and GPA- we offer a postbaccalaureate program!
* assessment of your CV
* analysis of your reference letter strength
* assessment of your interview performance
* creation of a realistic school list plan B depending on your motivation to apply to medical school (intellectual stimulation, dedication to helping others, prestige, income, because my parents want)
* application to back-up options in the healthcare industry (​Doctor of Osteopathy, Dentistry, Chiropractor, Physician’s Assistant, Naturopathic Medicine, Nurse Practitioner, Dietitian, Physical and Occupational therapy, Psychology, Optometry, Speech-language pathology, Genetic counseling, Forensic Science, etc.)​

- Proven success - we have the highest acceptance rate and our success rate is unmatched​
- Admission experience - our advisors have vast advising expertise and MD, PhD, JDD degrees
- Comprehensive advising for all application components​: CV, personal statement, AB sketch, preparation/mock for interview and CASPer
- Personal attention, unparalleled care and dedication into each student's application​
- Flexible hours and media - we keep evening and weekend hours​ and ​work with local and distance clients in person or zoom
- Great value - we offer hourly rates that are the best value for exceptional services​​

The Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT) tests your ability to understand basic concepts in Biology, Chemistry, Psychology, Organic Chemistry, Physics, Biochemistry, and be skilled at reading comprehension.

Each medical school has a certain cut off MCAT score. US schools put a great deal of emphasis on this test and some offer preferred interview invitation to those with outstanding scores. The test is offered several times each year and you should time your study time with MCAT preparation for the best outcome.

We will help you decide when is best to take the test and refer you to prep courses that will improve your performance and help you reach the targeted score.

92 credit 1year pre-med program with direct admission into medical school​​ or transfer into the 3rd year of a BSc. in USA​​

With increased competition for medical schools in Canada and USA more and more high school students and parents prospect the opportunity of going from high school directly to med school. While for many Canadian students this is just a dream, for most medical schools in Europe, South America, Asia, Africa, Australia, and elsewhere this is the norm! Medical Education Programs created the best premed program and the only postbaccalaureate program in Canada.

We offer an intensive premed program (92 credits) in a year in Toronto. This bridge program enables mature high school students who are committed to a career in medicine to transition into partner medical schools. Some offer our graduates dual degrees BSc/MD with no additional cost or time.​

Our pre-medical program offers all pre-requisite courses accepted by top medical schools in Canada, USA, and abroad. We also have a transfer program into a 3rd year BSc. in USA that ensures best chances of applying back to Canadian and to many American schools.

Pre-requisite courses, GPA, and MCAT requirements vary from school to school and you need to know them when you decide which undergraduate program you enroll. Queen's University Pre-Medical Program QuARMS offers 10 exceptional high school students a 2-year undergraduate educational opportunity that prepares them for direct entry into Queen’s medical school.​
CEGEP/Med-P Programs (McGill U, Quebec)​

A number of US medical schools accept international students who have an undergraduate degree. Most US schools have very strict prerequisite, but have larger ranges of GPA and MCAT cut-offs. We will help you identify those schools that match your interest and qualification.

There are also several American medical schools that offer a combined BS/MD (6-9 years program) for students applying from high school. Tuition costs are higher than Canadian medical schools. These programs are extremely competitive and usually accept only US students.

Every international school has their own admission requirements. Off shore US modeled medical schools in Caribbean offer a 4 year combined program with half of the study time in the islands or UK and all clinical rotations in USA, UK, and Canada and use the US curriculum.

Many European and Australian schools take students directly from high school and have a 5 or 6 year program. With over 60 offshore medical schools listed in the International Medical Education Directory (IMED), the Caribbean region is the preferred destination for US and Canadian students seeking alternatives to North American medical schools. The quality, fee, success rate varies from school to school.

For our premed program we have selected only schools that are regionally accredited, recognized by WHO, and listed in ECFMG and FAIMER. By attending a medical school outside of Canada and the US you will be considered an international medical graduate (IMG) upon returning to Canada. Students can match for residency in US and Canada after passing the licensing exams. Some offshore schools require the MCAT and have quite competitive GPA requirements.​​

Dane Schulich Leader Scholarship, Western University, QuARMS short list​
Etan M- RCSI Med School, QuARMS short list
Romi L- QuARMS short list
Naya S - Direct dual degree with direct acceptance into USA medical school and RCSI
Hiral T - Diana Award, 2020
Alex F - Midwestern University, College of Osteopathic Medicine
Neha P - MHD team leader high school Silver medalist at York region science fair with a poster on Thalassemia rodent models of diseases
​​Maryam B - Berkeley undergraduate
Erin T - UC Lan medical school, UK, 2020
Jake F - DO Nova, USA
Muniza R- McMaster Health Sciences and Life Sciences, Ottawa, and Wester Life Sciences and Health Sciences
Rene I - Nursing school Ottawa U, Laurentian U, York U, Brock
Daniel R- CAP Waterloo Pharmacy​​

​​Testimonials from students whose lives we touched make us proud every day! Join us and become our next success story!​​

I wanted to update you that I got the admission to U of T med school. Thank you so much for all your help over the last few years. I'm looking forward to continue working with you for residency placement. Raman A, Medical student U of Toronto, admitted 2024

Regards RamanThank you so much for all the hard work you did for me. I would not have been able to make it, if it was not for your support and it is truly appreciated. I am sure that I will be needing your expertise for my specialization selection. Best Wishes Amin, medical student McMaster 2021

Thank you so much for your help with interview prep! I was accepted to medical school (University of Toronto and Western University). I followed your advice when I did the interviews, especially making sure I portrayed an enthusiastic, outgoing, "sparkly" personality, and really tried to market myself as you taught me! This was such a weak area for me in the past, and I truly believe your coaching made a huge difference. Thank you!! :)-Amanda, accepted into U of Toronto and Western U, 2021

While applying for medical school, I reached out to Drs. Silverman for their help and guidance. Having them as my mentors has been a very rewarding experience. Specifically during my CASPer test and interview preparation, they spent a lot of time with me and helped me organize my thoughts and responses to make the most of my extracurricular and research experiences. They provided me with ample support and encouragement for me to succeed in this application cycle. As a former pre-med student, I would highly recommend them: Aiman med school University of Toronto, prerequsite courses with us and advising for application and interview, 2021

I am so happy to share a positive news with you in these difficult times. My son has received an interview call with Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. Thank you for helping him with his resume and personal letter. He can never find anyone even as exceptional as you. Thanks for excellent inputs for Mriganka’s interview preparation. He is very keen to learn from you and feels you can channel his thoughts. He will need a few more appointments. I hope you can find time for him. So so much indebted to you. Dr. Varsha, mom premed student 2021

Thank you million million times for your support and everything you did to help Amin get into medical school at McMaster, We believe that you are the best.Laleh, mom 2021

Thank you for the valuable information on medical school application . thank you again for all your help and support. Manthi Med school candidate 2021

Thanks for the one in one interview session, it was really helpful and made me revise my way of answering the interview questions. Thank you so much, Dr. Silverman! I really appreciate all your help! Aiman, premed student 2021

Thank you so much for the interview, it has helped me a lot and brought me to light on what I was doing wrong in the practice. Mriganka, high school student, premed Irish schools, 2021​Thank You so much for helping my son Mriganka. Truly indebted to you. Thank You, Dr. Varsha, 2021

"Thank you so much Dr. Silverman for your support and guidance on my journey to medical school. You are both directly responsible for my success, your assistance with application review, CASPer prep, and interview prep were incredible, extremely thorough and left me feeling very confident and ready. It was an honor to have worked alongside you on various projects from research, service learning, and academic courses, to community outreach and health advocacy programs. You were there for me every step of the way, you advised me on every decision, and you encouraged me to keep trying and to persist against all odds. Without your support I would certainly have been unable to succeed. Thanks to you, I will be starting the MD program at the Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry at the University of Western Ontario in September! "Anwar , 2018

​​Amazing people. They are really helpful and knowledgeable. I would advise anyone who wants to pursue medicine or dentistry to contact them. hank you once again for all your help. I really appreciate it. Raman Ar, predental student, 2020

Thank u so much for informing us about the Diana award, Hiral won the Diana Award (2020). We r so grateful for your help, guidance & support. Hiral and Lina, 2020

Thank you Dr Silvermans for a wonderful informative session.I hope my son will be able to achieve his dreams through your guidance.Best Regards Aisha, 2020

"Thank you again for the opportunity and for all your help and support. I hope sharing my journey to students in our group was useful.” M, Uof T med school, Morrison, 2019

"Hi Rosalind and Lori, It was my pleasure! You two have been so good to me these past few of years, I was happy to return the favour! I hope it was helpful to the pre-meds. I hope you have an amazing rest of your summer, and I'm sure I'll be in contact in the fall!" Nardeen K, Western Med school

"My first acceptance! I still can't believe my eyes. Thanks so much for all your help Dr. Silverman. Right now everything seems so surreal. I also got an interview at Dalhousie in Halifax earlier this week. Let me know if you would like me to give a talk during one of your workshops. I am so very grateful for all your help! I didn't get any last time I applied, and now I have two =)Karen B, Western Med School

Thank you so much for your time and thoughtful advice. Erin, UK med school 2019

I was recently accepted to the U of T's MD/PhD program. I wanted to thank you for being a great mentor and adviser. ​Many thanks, Tina B, U of Toronto med school

"I have received several acceptances so far - Wayne State, Central Michigan, Oakland University, and SUNY-Stony Brook. I am super excited, and I don't think I can thank you enough for all your help. If there is anything I can do for you guys, I am only an email away. "Karen B, Stony Brook Med school

Thank you so much Drs Silverman for all your dedicated help. I couldn't have done it without your special care! I am so excited to begin my journey to become a dentist! I will be thinking of you both at Rutgers school of dental medicine, Love , David, Rutgers dental school 2019

I just got the news I’ve passed my final exam and I am going to be called to the bar in September. It happened all because of you too. When can I come by your offices to say my thanks? The journey is complete. I am working at a firm and I am happy. ! Sincerely , Reyaneh, 2019

I have good news! I got admission from both UofT and Waterloo pharmD. I accepted UofT’s offer :) I wanted to once again thank you both for your help and guidance. If anyone asks for such a service, your name is the first one that comes to my mind :) Nikoo, U of T Pharmacy, 2019

Thank you so much for all your help and useful information. I very much appreciate all your efforts and your diligence. Best regards, Denis, McGill, med school 2021

The application process has been very exciting! I am delighted to say that I received interview invitations from all 4 Canadian schools. I am so thankful for the help you and your sister provided in September. I feel that it helped consolidate the strengths that were present in my application, and of equal importance informed me on how my application could be improved. In writing my autobiographical sketch, essay responses for UofT, CASPer for McMaster, and most recently in interviews I have held the advice given in our session in the front of my mind. Again I cannot thank you enough for the time you spent with me, I think it played an essential role in the success of my application thus far. Sincerely, Matt

Hi Dr. Silverman, I just wanted to let you know that I got accepted to Ross with a scholarship. Thank you for all your help. I hope to get your consultancy in obtaining a residency too. I also like to get started with the flowers for diseases project. Thanks Buddy, Ross medical school

"Happy new year 2013 to the both of you! I just got off the phone with AUA, and they have just informed me that I have been accepted! I leave for Antigua Thursday :) Thank you so much for all of your help and effort, I am so very grateful!! I can't wait to start my new life!" Mima, AUA

"I want to let you know that I got accepted into the accelerated review program at UMHS so I'll be heading to St. Kitts on August 26th. Thank you for all of your help and writing my recommendation letter. I'm willing to be part of the team so if anything I can help and I'll be happy to contribute to it. Thank you again! Best Regards," Nirsh , UMHS

"Hope you and Rosalind are well. Just messaging to check in, and to wish you both congratulations on the pre-medical program. Thank you both for the referential support you both had provided me. Without the valuable experiences and mentorship you offered me through the Science Engagement program from UTSC in 2011, it would not have set the foundation for where I have come today. So therefore, I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for your support, and the impact you both have had on me years later. Best Regards,"Amanda med school student​

"Thanks a lot for your support and consideration. So I have four months ahead of me and if you need my help with anything at all just let me know. I will be happy to support our group. If you also want me to talk about applying for Caribbean medical schools at a seminar or something I will be happy to do so. Trincy , Saba med school

"Thank you I got accepted in all 6 nursing schools you helped me to apply to, and the CASPer went very very well! Rene, nursing student

Just messaging to check in, and to wish you both congratulations on your pre-medical program. Thank you both for the referential support you both had provided me. Without the valuable experiences and mentorship you offered me through the Science Engagement program from UTSC in 2011, it would not have set the foundation for where I have come today. So therefore, I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for your support, and the impact you both have had on me years later. Best Regards, Amanda, med student Queen's U

"I would really appreciate all your work for us and I saw you were awarded the 150 commemorative Medal, just like to congratulate you". Maral, dental student Nova, 2018

"Dear Dr. Silverman, I wanted to thank you for running the scholarship workshop as I found it very helpful. I also enjoyed learning more about Joana's experience with applying to medical school as it was very inspirational. I am very interested in volunteering in any way I can with your group. Thank you very much for your time." Mari, U of T

"Dear Professor Silverman, Many thanks for your accurate and insightful comments about CASPer, MMI's and myself. Your direct and honest advice and comments are invaluable and much appreciated. I now hope I can put this to best use in the test. These will no doubt help me in my upcoming test. Your comments are helpful in clarifying some basic understandings about the test, which I hope will contribute in a better performance. I will be attending the workshops as I've found them useful and will be more involved in the future. Please keep up the good work. Best wishes," Hissan, Queens

"I just finished the Casper test and it was great! Thank you for all your help!" Fari, US med school

"First of all, I just wanted to thank you for the last minute reference letter that you wrote for me last time. I did indeed get the award that I applied for and I really appreciate your assistance in making this happen. "Tahsin

Dear Dr. Silverman, Thank you very much for all the brilliant advice and support you offered me. I felt really motivated after our meeting. I have made some edits to the personal statement. If you can look over it and provide me your comments that would be great. Thank you," Alina J

I hope that everything is going well on your side. I wanted to contact you as I just heard back from the alumni affairs declaring I have receive the Gordon Cressy award of leadership.I would like to thank you once again for helping me with the application and for supporting me throughout. Best, Robin

I really appreciate your help and the fact that your references have contributed significantly to my career so far. Thank you very much, Nancy I would like to thank you for your voluble tips regarding my answers. I definitely will adopt them. I wanted to thank you for all you have done for me including your mentoring and support. I am very grateful to have met you and have you in my life. Thank you very much, Juli, U of Toronto med school

It was very nice to meet you both as well and I hope to continue this relationship of advising because I have found it to be extremely helpful. It was an eye opening experience. Thank you very much and all the best, Radu, SGU​​"My son was last year in one of your free workshops and was surprised by the information and knowledge, and the way you are helping people reach their goals. Rudina"

​"I always look upto your work and the good you put out in the world! God will always be by your side! "Vineet "Thank you so much for your comments - very, very helpful! Best regards", Anastasia "You helped me prepare for my interview at Holland Bloorview. I wanted to thank you for all your help as I ended up getting the position. Thanks again! Sarah"

"Hello Dr. Silverman, Thank you very much for the feedback... I really appreciate your feedback and edit". Best, Nadine

"Dear Dr. Lorelei and Rosalind Silverman: I appreciate your support throughout this process. Thank you for allowing me to help out. Thanks to your encouragement, I am happy to say I have been accepted to Saba med school. I wanted to give you the news as soon as I found out! I am so happy right not, and I have largely you to thank for it. Thank you for the reference letter and also the confidence you instilled in me. Please let me know if you need help with MHD, I will be glad to continue. Sincerely," Zeba, Saba

Drs Silverman ! Your passion and energy to help students achieve their dreams is amazing!Rudina, 2019

"I thought the workshop was extremely helpful. I have never seen the medical school interviews been analysed to such fine detail!"Karen, Stony Brook Med School

"Thank you for the highly informative and engaging workshops and your helpful advice in regards to my medical school application." Regards, Norah

"Thank you so much for this session on interviews. Being in my third year at U of T and aiming to apply for medical schools next year I believe this session was an excellent start for developing my skills for the interview. I hope to further work on them throughout the year. It was an inspirational session and I hope to become a part of this amazing group. Thanking you," Zarah

"Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to speak at another one of your great events. Please provide your event attendees with my email in case they have questions about anything med-related and please let me know if you ever need me again. Your continued support and guidance mean a lot to me and I look forward to further contributing to your events as a med student and surgeon one day. Best regards" Morrison, Central Michigan U

"I have won the Equals6 Top Talent Scholarship, for which I requested you to write me a letter in December. I am emailing you to say thank you for all your help. Regards", Usman S

Thank you for the insightful advice you gave us, we really appreciate the time you took out of your day to help us explore alternative career pathways. My daughter is now in nursing school! Rudy

"I was in attendance at yesterdays' medical seminar and I would be honoured to receive guidance from you with regards to medical school, and as such was hoping I could please have an application form to join the club? thank you so much and the seminar was fantastic, I always walk away from each seminar with a wealth of knowledge and appreciate your efforts in conducting them. I look forward to hearing from you, many thanks and take care," Anwar

"Hello Dr. Silverman, I attended today's workshop on research experience and medical application. I would like to thank you for taking the time to deliver an immensely beneficial workshop. Through this workshop, I was informed of many scholarships and ways to gain research experience. Thank you again, Sincerely", Afraa

​I would like to thank you for providing the workshop on how to apply to American medical schools and what your program can offer for people who are interested in getting into many health care fields. Jay, premed student

"Hello Professor Silverman, I just wanted to thank-you for having the amazing medical school seminar with the speaker panels. I have attended 2 of them and wish to attend many more in the future! Thank-you again," Vaibhavi

"Dear Dr Rosalind, Its an honor for me to join you and your wonderful group. The seminar has motivated me a lot to wake up and start doing some research and use all amazing opportunities that u described. special thanks to Dr Lorie as well since the talk we have at the end of the seminar was more that useful, it might change the direction of my career! I look forward to attending further seminar and stay in touch with all you amazing people. thanks again for doing this for us! Regards," Khushbu

"Hi Dr.Lorelei Silverman, i went to your workshop no 13 on shadowing doctors and i found it really helpful. i wish i had discovered you a few year ago. I am currently going my 4th and in the process of starting my application for medical. I heard what was said in the course and i wanted to know what my chances are to getting to medical school or at least some objection advice and thought from someone else." Anita

"I wanted to thank you both for having presented such incredibly useful information at yesterday's workshop and motivating me to work even harder than before to pursue my dream of becoming a doctor. I am studying honours biology at York University and I wanted to ask you to please bear me in mind for any research opportunities that you may have or any opportunity in general to enhance my CV. Thank you very much," Nayaab

"I am highly inspired by your initiatives. You have made significant contributions in inspiring young students to integrate themselves within Canadian medicine by offering a series of services and workshops to improve our skills. I have attended a few workshops in the past and am thrilled to know that students like myself have the support that would be essential in creating a stellar application for medical school due to your ongoing efforts. I do not know if you take undergraduate volunteers or would need any assistance but I would be honoured to contribute to your cause. Thank you so much for your time, hope to hear from you soon!Best," Urfa

"I have attended a number of your workshops and would like to thank you once again for the valuable advice and guidance you provide for all of us students. Best regards," Naz

"Thank you again for writing me a letter of reference last year for Holland Bloorview. The inspiration you and MOHD have given me to pursue a career in medicine has continued to drive me to work harder in all aspects of my life including completing a thesis project in one of my professor's labs. Thank you in advance and I look forward to continuing with the team in the coming years." Theodora

"The information covered in this workshop would be incredibly useful for me. Thank you for continually offering these informative workshops. You guys are awesome! Cheers," Benjamin

"Thank you very much for the informative workshop. All the best," Mehdi

"Yesterday, I attended your workshop for the second time and had a pleasure listening to the tips for higher performance studies and was astonished at the world of possibilities still available in medicine outside of Canada." Nusrat

"So much information you give & I feel if I blink, i miss something. I'm sure your audiences all feel the same. No empty messages...everything you communicate is so meaningful." Rita S

I would like to thank you for providing the workshop on how to apply to American medical schools and what your program can offer for people who are interested in getting into many health care fields. Jay, premed student

"I have seen all the pre-med activities that your organization hosts and have also heard wonderful things from my peers about your workshops. As a third year Human Biology major and future goals to be a doctor I look for the possibility of volunteering with your organization. I discovered the project that you are currently running. I also wish to gain research experience and if there are any openings as a research assistant, I would greatly appreciate a chance to compete for that position.With warm regards," Patricia

"I was reading through your webpage and became fascinated by the scope and demand of your program. I was wondering if I would be able to apply for a position as a research assistant at MDH and when the deadline for such an application would be". Harrish

"I attended the "medical and dental school workshop on clinical and physician shadowing experience" on July 16th and it was extremely resourceful - I gained great insight into the preparations required for medical school. Thank you so much for organizing this event. The last session was incredibly helpful ":) Ashna

"I have attended most of your workshops in the past year and would like to extend my gratitude for organizing such informative sessions. While at these sessions, I have better understood the demands from a Physician, and what it requires to be a medical student. I also was greatly impressed by the students who have worked in your lab/with you." Shailin, U of T

"I am writing in today to request for more information on possible openings to work with you. I am very interested to expand my horizons, and am looking for relevant research experiences. I look forward to your guidance. Thank you for your time." Joana

"Dear Dr. Silverman, Thank you so much for all the hard work you put into the medical workshops. They really are a success each and every time, and I cannot begin to tell you how valuable they are! I drive every month from Guelph to attend them! I do hope you continue doing such a service for us students! Best regards", Mariana, Guelph

“My name is Alisha Babar, an international student, currently in my second year of undergrad, studying life science. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your tremendous efforts that you put in your Med School Workshops providing a road map especially for international students like us who (know) where they want to go in life but rarely have someone or anyone to tell them (how). I would like to thank you for being that guide not only for students like us but for students from all walks of life, for providing us with a road map towards our prospective carrier goals. I consider myself very fortunate to have had the chance to attend not one but several of your workshops teaching me something new every time about how to plan ,prepare and achieve the goal set forth. Hats off to you and your sister's ceaseless efforts to build and improve us”. Alisha

“Dear Drs. Lorelei and Rosalind Silverman, Thank you very much for hosting the medical school admission seminar yesterday. It has helped me learn more about unclear areas of the application process, as well as discover interesting extracurricular opportunities. I would like to help organize events and research on a model of a human disease as I find research a very interesting and exciting path that I want to embark on in my life as a physician. I found it very kind of you to host the seminar yesterday and use some of your time to guide me afterwards; I deeply appreciate it and I am eager to help MHD as much as I can, in return. Thank you very much for your advice and time. Sincerely yours”, Anain N

"After attending the Medical School Application Workshop in July, I became inspired and motivated by the enthusiastic and helpful leaders. I hope, in volunteering, to work more closely with Drs. Lorelei and Rosalind Silverman, and help raise awareness to prevent the spread of infectious diseases and aid the discovery of new and alternative treatments. I also hope that in furthering the cause I learn how to independently further my own capabilities and proficiency as a future medical professional" Mohammad

“I attended the medical school/dental school workshop yesterday evening, and it was very beneficiary and resourceful. Thank you very much for your great help and guidance. Your work is very noble, and I would certainly be interested in dedicating my time and efforts to this organization and help endorse or further it's accomplishments. I am especially interested in becoming a committee member. Thank you very much for your time and I hope to hear from you soon,” Lindsay

"Hello Ms. Silverman, I came to the last Medical School Application Workshop in July and found it enormously helpful and wanted to thank you for organizing such a fantastic and informative event!"Julia

"Hi Dr. Silverman, I wanted to thank you for a very informative, educational workshop. As an interested pre-med going into my first year of university at YorkU, I found the presentations to be beneficial. I really appreciate the help. Thank you," Anisha

"Dear Dr. Silverman, I would like to congratulate you for the successful seminar organized last Wednesday. It was a very informative experience for me which initiated my process of thought towards my medical school application. Following several conversations with Robin (who initiated my interest in your group) I believe your group will be very helpful in my career in the public health discipline."Dan W

“Dear Dr. Silverman(s),It was a pleasure to meet the two of you yesterday at MHD workshop #9 and I would like to thank you for organizing such an excellent event. Not only for making it so informative but also for providing personal advice based on your experiences to us Canadian pre-meds.” Zubeir

"I am currently finishing my undergraduate from University of Toronto, Scarborough in Neuroscience and Biology and I am will be graduating in November, 2012. I am looking forward to gaining variety of experience in organizing seminars, providing information and learn about new advancements and technology within medical field. I believe associating with a prestigious group like Models of Human Disease would be a great learning experience. Sincerely,” Vineet

“I was fortunate enough to attend yesterday's work shop on getting in to medical school. As an undergraduate planning to apply to medical school, I thought your session was very informative and comprised of many important ideas that are really helpful in preparing oneself to become a future physician. Your motivation in providing guidance and support for future health care professionals is a valuable one that can illuminate lives of many students and the future of our health care system. I also thought that from the real-life examples of students you showed to us, it was evident that the MHD team has been able to make a huge impact on student lives by making them more experienced, educated and confident about entering a health-care profession. I make this an opportunity to thank Dr. Rosalind Silverman and Dr. Lorelei Silverman for taking initiative to create this group and to provide students like me with the opportunity to be informed about medical school. ”Buddhi, Ross

“First of all it was so wonderful to meet both you and your sister yesterday. It was so helpful and really eye opening. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. ”Yael, York “I am planning to apply medical school in this fall for both US and Canadian medical schools. I attended the workshop last week on how to write a great personal statement and think it is very helpful in many aspects.”Lara

“Thank you so much for the various opportunities you have given me in the past year in preparation for my medical school application. Sincerely, Mary

"Dear Dr. Silverman, I am a second year undergraduate student at York University. A while ago I attended your "How to write a Personal Statement," and found it very helpful. Thank you for the great seminar and for all that you do to help humanity! Sincerely," Devi

"Hello Dr. Lorelei and Rosalind Silverman, I hope both of you are doing great and are having a wonderful Hannukah It was a pleasure working with you both this semester, and I cannot wait to continue working with you in the years to come. Sincerely," Basma

"Thank you for inviting Jess to attend your workshop last week. He found it extremely useful and interesting. We feel very fortunate to have found you. Please keep us on the radar for any future programs he may qualify for and he is looking forward to your bootcamp at the end of July. Once again, thank you so much for your guidance." ​​​​Randy​​​​​​

My son, Dimi got an offer from Osgood Hall Law School (LLM Program). Thank you so much for helping him and spending your valuable time! Ani, 2018 Thank you very much. Your motivation has helped me to achieve this goal. Krishana, PhD, 2019

Dear Drs Silverman , we so appreciate all your time and care and expertise in the medical field. You are both remarkable people and we are honored to know you! Thank you for all the great work you do! Kathy and Jared, 2019.

Our consultant advice is based on a wealth of education background, practical experience, and access to broad resources. We strive to offer the best advice to our students and to achieve maximum chances of success.

Our success rates are close to 95% and we take pride in offering alternative career path or alternative schools when we assess that your application will not be competitive for your chosen field or schools. In doing so we discuss with you motivation, goals, identify strength and weakness and try to create alternative plans right from the beginning to minimize the time needed to change course of actions.​​

PRIVACY AND CONFIDENTIALITY POLICY Your privacy and confidentiality is of uttermost importance for us and we take all appropriate measures to ensure that any information you share with us is held in confidence, unless you give us written permission to use it in success stories testimonials, cases presented at workshops.

CANCELLATION POLICY Please provide us with at least a 48 hour notice for cancellation and rescheduling your appointment. In case of no show or late cancellation a 50% fee may be charged.