What makes us the number one CV advising company in Canada and USA?

We not only polish your CV to perfection but also offer 40 projects FREE of cost to you to BUILD your CV. We are the only advising company in Canada to do this! Join us and become our next success story!


1. CANDIDATE EVALUATION We start all our consultations with a detailed assessment of your qualifications and identify the gaps you have.

2. CV BUILDING We then suggest activities that can help you to stand out from the crowd or brand for your discipline!

We will choose some of our CV building projects to enhance the impact of your CV. You will be able to fill any gap in your CV in a short time and also receive a letter of reference from us. You can choose one or all projects. Candidates can work remotely for these projects at their convenience in any place worldwide.

We send you a fillable template and then we edit your draft to perfection to create an outstanding CV that reflects your strengths, interests, and accomplishments.

Selection committees are looking for candidates that meet the CanMEDS roles and have frequent and substantial engagement in activities that integrate you in the Canadian health care system.

We help you stand our and get interview invitations!

$100 for course, one on one consultation, review and editing of your CV includes a selection of 40 projects to build your CV/application

We offer all advising services for successful application in Canada, USA, UK, Australian, Caribbean, other European and international schools.

Check our subpages to learn more about our:
- Application review
- CV building and editing
- Personal statement, secondary application, and ABS
- References
- Interview

We also offer all courses to increase your GPA and prepare for MCAT as well as a premedical program with direct acceptance into medical,, dental, veterinary schools
- Premedical program
- Postbaccalaureate program
- Prerequisite program

- Biomedical research
- Publications
- Posters at conferences
- Abstracts
- Disease awareness
- Health promotion
- Global health
- Fundraising for biomedical research
- Administrative roles
- Leadership roles
- Project management
- Committee memberships
- Event organization
- Teaching and mentoring
- Networking
- Awards 

With us you will have  posters presented at medical conference, participate in global and local biomedical projects, brand your activities around a disease of interest, be eligible for an award of excellence, network with your peers, get excellent letters of reference, become a member in a professional organization, and so much more.

Drs. Silverman are committed to support research activities of our students and our faculty engages in research projects at the forefront of biomedical research through national and international collaborations.

Participation in research offers our students a competitive edge and enhances our student academic experience. We help you exponentially increase your professional profile while contributing to advancing biomedical research. Undergraduate students who take BIOB98 or BIOD98 Supervised Research Project courses at UTSC campus can do their research project under the supervision of Drs. Silverman.

Areas of research include identification and validation of biomarkers for neurodegenerative diseases, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and other diseases, as well as mechanisms of learning and memory. Bioinformatics research projects in biomarker discovery, research in mental and women health, aboriginal and immigrant health, etc. are also available and students are involved in literature research projects on various diseases. Students prepare posters and oral presentations, as well as awareness brochures. 

Many postdoctoral fellows, residents, graduate, and undergraduate students, students who took the Service learning and outreach course at University of Toronto Scarborough under the supervision of Drs. Silverman, as well as selected college students are involved in teaching (as TAs) and research activities.​
Many IMGs are involved in teaching advanced USMLE courses that are part of our program. ​​Teaching assistant positions are offered for every course and are very competitive. Previous teaching or tutoring experience as well as previous background in the field are required. ​

The Flowers for Cures campaign initiated by Drs. Lorelei and Rosalind Silverman at the University of Toronto is an awareness project in which every month pre-medical students and IMGs create a brochure about a disease with a flower as a symbol for the hope to cure that disease. We increase awareness in social media, distribute brochures and seeds in the community, organize information sessions about these diseases and their prevention, and state of research, and help NGOs fundraise for research in support of finding a cure for that disease.

We plant flowers that we have celebrated for the past year. Pre-medical students from the GTA, high school students, Service Learning and Outreach U of T Scarborough students, and IMGs are joined by members of the Toronto community in planting flowers and educating the public about various diseases.​